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Experience the Benefits of Massage Therapy?

Massage therapy has been around for centuries. Ancient cultures in China, Egypt, India, Greece and Rome used massage as part of their medical and health procedures.

Massage has been used to many different medical conditions and ailments. Massage therapy is a stress tratment, assist you to relax and it generally promotes a feeling of well being. Massage therapy assists all aspects of the physical system - the muscular, nervous, circulatory and immune systems.

Apart from the obvious physical benefits of massage therapy, much of the benefit is psychological; it has to do with the feel-good factor of intimate contact with another human being.

One of the ultimate forms of stress relief is a full body massage. Most people who experience a full body massage cannot stop telling people how amazing they felt afterwards. The first thing that someone usually does after experiencing his or her first full body massage is book another full body massage! A common response from people who've experienced a full body massage is that for the first time in their lives they feel they've managed to attain total relaxation.

In addition to full body massage, massage can be used on specific, individual parts of the body. One of the main individual body parts that is subject to a specialist form of massage is the foot. Foot massage is generally referred to as reflexology.

Massage therapy was on the fringes of conventional medicine for a long time, but modern medical experts generally accept the efficacy of massage. In fact, more than 70% of American hospitals now offer massage therapy as a part of their treatments.

What do hospitals use massage therapy for? They use it in the treatment of chronic pain symptoms, in cancer cases, pregnancy, infant care, joint and muscle mobility, stress management and many other symptoms and disorders.

New research suggests that massage therapy helps to boost the immune system, lower blood pressure and manage pain.

Massage therapy can be used to aid people who are receiving drug and alcohol withdrawal treatment. Another great benefit of massage therapy is that it can be used in conjunction with other therapies to strengthen their effects - e.g. aromatherapy, reflexology, acupressure and reiki.

These days, massage therapy is no longer seen as alternative medicine field as it is more accepted as mainstream medical practice. This means that an increasing number of people are able to experience the broad benefits of versatile massage therapy.

Allan C. is a website designer and freelance writer for various websites. He has a background in Environmental and Public Health. Visit the cooloolabusiness.com for more information websites.

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